Thursday, February 18, 2010

white tail deer

Hi, Just sharing a picture I worked on while painting with my sister and sister in law. My sister painted a hawk...and a fine job she did, and my sister in law painted a beach scene that turned out fine. Acrylics are new to them and I was helping them with the technique.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Directions for how to post your pictures of our inspiration paintings

To all Columbia County Art Guild Members
To add your Inspirational Painting follow the directions below.

You are already in Columbia Arts Guild Blog.
Click sign in in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
eblogger dashboard screen appears.
Click new posts.
New post page appears with a title box.
Type the name of your painting or whatever you want in there.
Click the insert image box that has a teeny tiny picture in it (between Link and left margin) on the tool bar of the posting page.
Add an image box appears.
Click browse. It searches your computer and you click on the picture you want to upload
It uploads and click ok.
After your picture appears in the new posting window you can write words about it or whatever.
Then you click publish post at the bottom.
If you see mistakes you can edit your post after.

I hope this helps.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Subject to Inspiration

Lee asked if I would post the photo for February. So, here it is, a photo I took in Patzcuaro, Mexico. Have fun!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Secret Flower Garden

Jennifer Hansen and I have joined together for a show of artwork at the Houlton Bakery in St. Helens. She is a glass mosaic artist in the area and I have several of my floral paintings there. The work will hang until the end of February.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Subject to Inspiration 2

I'm calling it done.

Who's got this months subject?