Saturday, January 30, 2010

Playing Catch up...

I ran out of time so I painted this little ACEO as a substitute. I didn't like the layout so I moved the book and replaced the glasses with an apple. I have a 9x12 in progress (just flowers and part of the vase) but will not be able to finish by tomorrow.

Talk about late...


another ACEO that came out of Subject to Inspiration 1 photo. This one survived, several others have suffered an encounter with the shredder.

Friday, January 29, 2010

January Inspiration Painting

Whew, what a challenge this was for me. It's another batik on rice paper. I prefolded and stained the paper before starting the batiking process. Hope this encourages others who are not very happy with their results to post them anyway. It's all a learning process :D

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hi everyone, here is my version of "Subject to Inspiration." This was a fun challenge.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Inspiration Koi

Batiked Rice Paper with Watercolor
12 x 9

Friday, January 1, 2010

"Subject to Inspiration" 2

Consider this for inspiration. This is my photo so there will be no copyright infringement as a reference photo. Try a new medium or go with your favorite then post your finished work by the end of the month.
Be thinking of what "Subject to Inspiration" you want us to use next.